The sessions definitely exceeded my expectations...I loved the TFT and Inner Child work too. Since coaching I have more confidence and self-belief and I am more assured that the decisions I make aren't complete boo-boos. You have helped me enormously with past/present emotional ''issues''. I don't ruminate about the negative stuff nearly so much and I am able to sleep better when I do the exercises you taught me.
My approach to life has changed enormously! I feel a hellova lot more optimistic and worthy. I'm less regretful of past mistakes and am approaching my life as an exciting adventure again (which I used to do, but that got 'squished' and negated by negative people/s these past 8 years)
Before coaching I was ruminating, regretful, angry, vengeful (eek, sorry!) and quite sad.
Now I have the 'joie de vivre' that I used to have. My diet is better and whilst I still sometimes lack energy, I'm not crying nearly so much and feel as though after the work we've done together, am making a remarkable recovery/improvement in such a short time. :)
I believe it will have an enormous impact on my future as I am a lot more optimistic and enthusiastic about what life is going to bring me. I am now a lot less fearful and more excited about life in general. :)
I have already mentioned you to a few friends of mine about how much you've helped me and what fascinating and successful (to me, anyway) methods you use and will be sure to share your free download on my social media (FB) page. :)
March 2018
The sessions with Indra exceeded my expectations. I found ways to understand and manage feelings of stress etc and my professional life has definitely benefited. I understand myself better and am becoming more confident - honouring my emotions and values set. I’m also starting to move forward in a positive way regarding past hurts…and I love that I now have some ‘thinking tools’ that I can continue to use.
I’m kinder to myself now and have a more open view about what I can control. I spend time reflecting without feeling I have to ‘achieve a goal’ - this has felt freeing and provides insight and space
I’m more positive since having coaching - more confident and able to navigate difficult situations better - but also I realise the importance of continual personal improvement and maintaining positive actions.
It is empowering to know I am doing something about the things that are not serving me - eg getting stressed due to a heavy workload. For the future I think it has given me a good base in order to make continued improvement.
Last and not least, thank you, thank you, thank you. I feel blessed to have had this opportunity to work with you.
September 2017
I wanted to gain confidence and self-belief in who I am and to project forward. As a result of coaching I have better acceptance of myself and situations and am seeing and overcoming negative messages. I’ve had help with my feelings, confidence and focus on weight control. I’m very pleased with the coaching relationship where I gained understanding. I’m able to continue work on myself after sessions as an ongoing progress. I asked for NLP and got what I asked for. I found Indra very accommodating and appreciated that she wanted me to get the very best from the sessions. Generally, my sleep, stress and balance are better and I have returned to Slimming World.
Thank you Indra – it was a pleasure to work with you and I was very impressed with you as a coach and the results. xx
May 2017
I recently asked Indra Jackson for help to overcome my fear of frogs – I was aware that the fear was completely irrational but it has been with me since childhood and was very severe. Unfortunately my garden seems to be a haven for frogs and at the sight of one I would run for the house where I would lock myself in shaking and crying until someone removed the frog from the garden. I had reached the stage where (although I love gardening) I was asking my husband to do any work that was needed in the flower beds in case there should be a frog lurking there.
I told Indra about my fear and she made an appointment for me - I felt fairly apprehensive when I kept the appointment and started by saying that if a frog was produced I would most definitely leave, however Indra quickly put me at my ease and we spent a very pleasant hour together in which we talked and did some mental exercises.
It is really amazing but I am very happy to report that since that time I have been able to tackle the gardening with confidence and my fear of coming across a frog has definitely receded. I am not sure I would ever be able to kiss one to see if it turned into a prince however I was able to look at an open tank of them in an animal farm and not turn into a quivering wreck so am confident that the next one to appear in my garden won't phase me too much.
I can definitely recommend Indra to you - she has most definitely helped me. Thank you Indra.
November 2016
"Working with Indra has resulted in a huge improvement to my emotional wellbeing. Her thoughtful, gentle and caring approach eased any initial nerves and quickly identified my problem areas that needed addressing, with techniques such as 'tapping'. This particular procedure I, surprisingly, found to be especially helpful! For me, the treatment worked immediately, in a way I can only describe as 'numbing' the painful emotions to a place where only the pictures of that associated memory remain.
I would gladly recommend this treatment for helping to ease deeply held thoughts and feelings to be replaced by a welcoming sense of peace. Indra's work has helped me to look at myself in a new way, to gain a better understanding of my issues and ultimately to find an inner calm. Thank you."
B. P.
Hertfordshire - July 2016
‘What an extraordinary and perceptive coach you are…’
‘ All I can say, is WOW!! She is naturally gifted, intuitive, heart led, sharp, and my session with her was profound. She is an absolute credit…to the coaching profession. I highly recommend her’
Sophia Davis
one of the UK’s leading life coaches - 2016
Indra has a real gift with coaching. She can 'hear' you in a deep sense.
You will be able to change or expand I should say the way you think as you work with her and this will lead to new actions by you…
Yes, I am returning to my true self, really aware of self-care now and feeling very optimistic about becoming more of who I really am. Indra's work doesn't feel hard but it is very powerful in a good way. She will not abandon you if you know what I mean.
I came across a great affirmation today: "wonderful, wonderful fortunate you - this is the year that your dreams come true!"
Enjoy Indra you are so lucky to have found her!
J. P.
January 2016
‘Thank you for our last session which was pretty revelatory and all the other sessions too. I am very grateful for what you've taught me as I see it's the foundation of everything and I am discovering and growing more every single day and I find it very exciting…’
"Indra helped me to be my authentic self; and more than this, to actually see there is an authentic self and know how to open up and live from it. Indra worked on a deep level and what she has taught me has unlocked things. At first I didn't understand it, and maybe resisted it, but now I see how fundamental her guidance has been…’
L. A.
London - May 2016
"I really benefited from the tapping session which Indra had carefully thought out. What was remarkable was our chat first, where she got to the root of the issue, and then we tapped on this. I could feel the tapping working on an energetic level, and actually felt mentally lighter as it progressed and afterwards. I approached my evening really differently, and felt more energised, relaxed, and at peace!
It seems to work on a deep level and cleared out emotions I had been holding onto. Afterwards, I felt completely different, in a changed, positive, and lighter headspace, so I do think the tapping accesses energy channels - or something like this, I don't know the technics! But it just works beautifully together with talking things through. You wouldn't imagine that that simple tapping action does change your energy, but it does and does so straight away".
L. A.
London - August 2016
I had 5 brilliant coaching sessions with Indra, who is an amazing coach. Her coaching style is very relaxed and I immediately felt at ease. She is very intuitive and her questions made me really focus and clarify what it was I wanted…
…What really helped me though, was some of the coaching techniques Indra used to overcome some limiting beliefs I had around self-worth and wealth. Being able to do this made these sessions invaluable to me and I will definitely be keeping in touch with Indra and recommending her to anyone who needs an effective, generous and transformative coach.
Thank-you Indra!
July 2015
My reason for seeking coaching was due to a lack of confidence that I felt I had in several areas of my life, specifically around my own coaching abilities. I couldn’t have picked a better coach to help me move forward. Indra was very empathic and understanding and I instantly felt at ease with her.
In the first coaching session she taught me some great NLP techniques to help me identify where I lacked confidence and how I identified with those feelings in my head and body. With Indra’s guidance I was able to change my perspective and by the end of the first session I felt much calmer and in control of my feelings…
…I have been blown away at the speed of my transition. I have gone from being paralysed by fear around coaching clients to 5 coaching sessions later me feeling full of confidence in my own abilities and me being able to find and successfully coach 5 new clients. I am a completely changed person, for the better, and I will be eternally grateful to Indra for helping me. It’s onwards and upwards for me all the way.
C. C.
April 2015
…Hand on heart, I can categorically confirm she is an amazing coach, very understanding and she will gently guide you to where you want to be…
Feb 2015
…Many thanks for your wisdom and calm approach to getting things done. You’re a natural, and will improve the lives of all those you meet. Life’s complex problems cower in fear from your cleverly simple ways of unravelling things to get to the heart of the matter.
M.S Bucks
Oct 2014